Monday, February 21, 2011

Ийм боломж байна, хэлтэй хүмүүс сонирхоорой

Алимаа эгчийн сүүлийн бичлэгийг уншаад нэг юм бодогдлоо. Аль болох олон хүнд Алимаа эгчийн блогийг хэлж өгөөрэй, энд ийм сайхан мэдээлэл байдаг юм шүү гэж мэдэгдээрэй гэсэн байна. Би ч уг нь өөрийн мэдэх тэтгэлэг хайж байгаа найз нөхөддөө хэлээд л байгаа юм.
Далайд дусал нэмэр гэж бас нэг ийм олж мэдсэн 3 долоо хоногийн fellowship-ийн мэдээлэл оруулчихья.  Сонирхсон хүмүүс нь материалаа явуулаад үзэхгүй юу.

2012 Ford Motor Company International Fellowship of 92nd Street Y
The 2012 Ford Motor Company International Fellowship of 92nd Street Y is currently accepting applications from community leaders who are citizens and residents of Albania, Bolivia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ecuador, Haiti, India, Israel, Mongolia, Peru, Tunisia and Zambia.

A successful applicant must demonstrate that he or she:
• is a community leader engaged in the nonprofit sector, either professionally or as a volunteer;
• is successfully addressing issues that affect the community’s well-being; and
• would benefit from an intensive three-week nonprofit management training course in New York.

Previous Ford Fellows include:
• a South African AIDS educator;
• the president of a Jewish aid society facilitating Bosnia-Herzegovina’s transition to democracy;
• a sustainable development expert from Zimbabwe;
• the founder of an Indian organization that educates women and children working in the silk industry; and
• an Indonesian advocate for ethnic minorities.

The residency takes place Thursday, May 31 to Wednesday, Jun 20, 2011 in New York City. Airfare, accommodation, food, transportation, instruction and other program-related expenses are included in the fellowship and participants receive a small stipend upon arrival.

During the intensive three-week residency, Ford Fellows take classes in areas including nonprofit management strategy and leadership training at Columbia University’s Picker Center for Executive Education. The academic curriculum is complemented by visits to model nonprofits in New York City and meetings with academic, business and government leaders. The experience is enhanced by Fellows’ residency at 92nd Street Y, the world’s first global Jewish community and cultural center. Founded in 1874 and considered a New York landmark, 92nd Street Y annually serves over 300,000 people of all backgrounds, religions, nationalities, ethnicities, races and socio-economic groups.

The Ford Motor Company International Fellowship of 92nd Street Y provides a tremendous opportunity to international community leaders. For more information about the program, please see the attached brochures or visit our website at Please contact Alison Gardy at 212.415.5473 or by email or Amanda Raz at 212.415.5561 or by email if you have any questions.


Applicants must be 21 years of age or older, though younger applicants should note that we are looking for candidates with several years of leadership experience. We seek candidates from a variety of backgrounds with the aim of creating a group of Fellows who will work well together and offer a diversity of views and experiences. Candidates should be emerging leaders addressing issues whose resolution can have a significant positive impact on their communities, on their countries, and—collectively—on the world.

Applicants must demonstrate fluency in English, have valid passports, and have regular access to a computer and the Internet. They may not be current recipients of other fellowships.

Fees and Services Covered
Airfare, accommodation, food, transportation, instruction, and other program-related expenses are included in the fellowship. Each participant receives a stipend upon arrival.

Application Deadline
Applications must be postmarked or emailed by June 30, 2011.

If you are eligible for the program and wish to apply, please complete the enclosed application form and email to:

Or post-mail to:
Ford Motor Company International Fellowship of the 92nd Street Y
92nd Street YM-YWHA
1395 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY 10128
For further information and queries:
Phone: 212.415.5473
Fax: 212.415.5798

1 comment:

  1. Ямар аятайхан мэдээлэл вэ. Баярлалаа.
