Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ажлын зар

Зарим нэг байгууллагууд зүгээр ПиаР хийх гэж ажлын байр сониноор зарлуулдаг байж магадгүй гэж Алимаа эгч дүгнэжээ. Бас олон улсын байгууллагууд авах хүнээ аль эрт сонгочихоод шударга явагдсан гэж харагдуулахын тулд сонин дээр зар тавьдаг талаар хэлсэн байна. Зарим нэг тийм тохиолдол ялангуяа зөвлөх гэх мэт нилээн томоохон албан тушаал дээр гардаг байхыг үгүйсгэхгүй. Харин би энд нэг хөөрхөн зар тавихаар шийдлээ. Учир нь энэ байгууллагад ажилладаг миний сайн найз аль болох олон хүнд хүргэж өгөхийг гуйсан юм.  Би энэ байгууллагыг recruitment-ээ шударгаар явуулдаг байх гэж бодож байна. Мэдээж энэ бол зөвлөх юмуу CEO-гийн албан тушаал биш л дээ. Залуу улсыг сонирхоосой, өөрийгөө сориод үзээсэй гэж бодож байна.

Vacancy Announcement

The Office of the WHO Representative in Mongolia announces the vacancy of a Project Secretary post.

Under the direct supervision of the Programme Officer (Stroke and Heart Diseases) and guidance of an Administrative Assistant, the incumbent performs the following functions to support Stroke and Heart Disease Project in Mongolia:
1.    Establishes and maintains the filing system of technical documents and correspondence. Establishes and updates a proper computerized information system on on-going activities, counterparts, etc.. Accesses and retrieves information from relevant databases and updates as required.
2.    Drafts/prepares general correspondence not involving policy or technical knowledge on brief instructions or own initiative; types statements, reports, on word-processing equipment; takes notes at meetings as basis for minutes.
3.    Translates materials, either in writing or verbally, from Mongolian to English and vice-versa. Make oral translation during meetings, workshops and other arrangements if requested.
4.    Using the Global Management System (GSM), assist in monitoring aspects of the implementation of planned activities and availability of funds for project/programme budget levels and financial expenditures, according to the approved work plan. Assembles draft background for planning, monitoring and evaluation exercises.
5.    Makes administrative arrangements for activities with regard to preparation of standard contracts as per the established guidelines, recruitment of consultants and temporary advisers, and arrangements of study tours and duty travel in accordance with the approved programme budget.
6.    Assists in the organization of meetings held in-the country, i.e.: makes general administrative preparations, including organization of practical local arrangements and advance transport of documents/equipment. Provides administrative and secretarial support during the meetings, as appropriate. Prepares reports to ensure all activities are well documented as well as administrative reports.
7.    Performs other related duties as and may be assigned from time to time as a member of WHO Country Office team.

Qualifications required:
EducationEquivalent to graduation from secondary school with thorough training in administration/secretarial related fields.
Knowledge and skills – Thorough knowledge of office procedures; typing and stenographic skills at required speed, ability to discern routine from non-routine; ability to draft correspondence, summary of meetings and notes for the record; ability to use word processing equipment and computerized systems and databases; use of other applications preferable; ability to work harmoniously as a member of  a team, adapt to diverse educational and cultural backgrounds and maintain high standards of personal conduct.
Experience – Minimum two years' experience in secretarial/administrative posts, preferably, in a large or an international organization.
Languages – Excellent knowledge of spoken and written English and Mongolian.

Others: Salary scale – US$720.00 (per month/payable in local currency), Contract type – Special Service Agreement (non-WHO staff member) with initial 6-month probation period and of a limited duration for a period of two years.

If you possess the above qualifications, please submit 1) application letter, 2) personal history form (available at WHO Representative Office or at, 3) at least three reference letters from current/previous employers to the Administrative Assistant of WHO Representative Office in Mongolia, Government Building No. 8 (#Ministry of Health), Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia not later than 16.00 pm, Friday, 21 January 2011.

Only candidates under serious consideration will be contacted.

Post is subject to local recruitment and will be filled by persons
 recruited in the local commuting area of the office

WHO has a smoke-free environment and does not recruit smokers or other tobacco users

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